I use SPDIF with my Yamaha 01v for years with out issues. Best if you leave Sonar as clock, most devices are automatic sync and will just ask you if that's OK so set up is very easy.
I would run the 01v directly to my audio interfaces SPDIF in/out ports. This gives me all those extra pre amps as well as the returned playback for cue mixes.
Many interfaces have SPDIF and they are included in in/out count. The Scarlett 6i6 they are the 5/6 in and out. On my Tascam they are 15/16 in and 5/6 out.
One downside to SPDIF that is possibly true of all interfaces, on both mine the SPDIF inputs do not appear in the direct monitoring. You won't hear them at the interface headphone jack. Not a problem for me as I do my monitoring with the mixer.