2014/06/26 08:58:13
I'm relatively new to all this. Including Music Creator 6 and music production.
I created a rather simple beat. but when it crosses over to the next music file, it sounds unsmooth and edgy. is there a way to fade it in/out?
Thank you.
If you don't understand me, sorry, as english is not my first language ^.^
2014/06/26 10:08:37
Welcome to the forum.
Hover the cursor over the end of the clip until it becomes a triangle. Drag the triangle to create a fade.

2014/06/26 10:12:26
Envelopes are great tools to use for fades both in and out.  I set up envelopes in every track in a project for precise volume control and automating the changes. I add the nodes manually rather than using WRITE AUTOMATION to move the envelopes. It's much more precise to do it manually.
The nodes are the yellow dots on the yellow lines in the pics below. All my envelopes are done manually. It takes slightly longer to do it this way but they are surgically precise.  It's well worth the extra minute or so.
This pic shows the envelopes used at a song ending to fade out as well as cutting off the last unneeded note of the bass.

Same song... but envelopes used here to edit the piano fills in the first verse.

Cross fades between two tracks, where you fade one out and the other in..... just as easy. depending on how well the track match, this can be accomplished with a fade out on one and fade in on the other.... the result should be seamless. I rarely use cross fades.  The 2nd pic shows the surgical use of envelopes to splice 2 piano parts into one. Literally cutting from one track to the next instantly with no fades..... surgical precision is involved..... zoom in and place the nodes. Waa laaa.... done.
The song is on my website link below: The Best Christmas. Have a listen to see what the envelopes accomplish. (it's on page 3 at the bottom)
hope that helps
2014/06/28 11:00:37
thank you both very helpful!!!!!!
very thanks! ^.^
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