My Yamaha 01v only runs at 44.1 so therefore in the past I stayed with that so I could use the SPDIF inputs of the TAscam and then the 6i6. I have changed my set up and now use a Joe Meek 3 Q as my input for vocals, A Fender rumble for bass input. I use the 2 front inputs on the Scarlett for my guitars,, miked or DI'd. I also use small Mackie Mix 8 for cue mix so I don't really use the 01v anymore.
I highly recommend something like the Mix 8 for monitoring. You can run the 3/4 output into it. I have a second output from the Joe Meek as well as a second mike on my amp. It allows 100% LOUD control over your cue mix.
100's of projects are in 44.1 and I would rather go 48 as I do believe there is a difference but I'm not sure when and where I'd make the swicth over.
I leave both my interfaces at a middle setting ( 256?) and never change this. It seems to work for all the stuff I do both tracking and mixing. I haven't had a drop out in years.
I do use a my 01v mixer when I record a live band with the Tascam.
Because I need compression on certain channels I'll use the 01V for lead vocals, snare, kick and Bass.
I'll use the SPDIF for the drum overheads because that's stereo.
I use 11/12 13/ 14 fed from my 4 Aux outs of the 01v. and the SPDIF so there's the back 6 channels.
Then the front 8 XLR get guitar amps, back up vocals and other drum mikes, The 9/10 I've used for acoustic guitar and Amp TRS DI outs. Keyboards use the midi so there's all 17 channels. I also might use a stereo USB board mix feed and run Sonar in WDM mode ( now WASAPI ) so projects can have 18 audio tracks.