2015/10/14 04:13:13
Can anyone help? I have run Cakewalk 8.5 for some time and it was easy to convert MIDI to audio. I have finally moved up to Sonar 1 Professional and I have not been able to find the 'bounce to tracks' anywhere to be able to easily convert MIDI to audio. Can anyone show me the sequence to find the 'bounce to tracks' so I can move on with a number of important projects.
Thanks, Terry
2015/10/14 13:34:33
Try feeze.  It will work just fine for soft synths.
2015/10/14 19:43:08
Bounce to Tracks is totally still in the product. Check out the row of popup menus INSIDE THE CLIP PANE, not in the main system menu.
Tracks > Bounce to Tracks
It's essentially the same command.
2015/10/15 11:17:55
For convenience, I use the freeze function - even when I want to end up with the audio on a new track. Freeze it and then Ctl-drag the frozen clip into a new track. 
2015/10/16 11:50:41
the good thing about 'freeze', is that to get back to the midi to maybe edit something you don't like near the end of a mix,
you can always 'unfreeze'..... go in and edit..... then bounce to tracks or freeze again.
2015/10/18 10:58:32
For convenience, I use the freeze function - even when I want to end up with the audio on a new track. Freeze it and then Ctl-drag the frozen clip into a new track. 

Same here
2016/07/10 13:04:03
Thanks fellas, sorted 😉👍
2016/07/10 16:27:27
Took you a while.
2016/07/16 08:38:48
Took you a while.

 Hey give the guy a break, freezing a track takes time 

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