• Music Creator
  • Where is the Chn (channel) control in the Track Inspector in Music Creator 6 Touch?
2014/04/18 18:21:03
I'm importing all my old MIDI files from my ancient Steinberg Cubeat / Atari system, and I need to change the output channel of some tracks.
In this case, Track 2 contains MIDI notes originally recorded on Channel 1. I now want it to output on Channel 2 to an external MIDI keyboard.
The help files say that there is a Chn (Channel) Control in the Track Inspector (and in the Console View) that can be used to override the notes' own MIDI channel and output to whatever MIDI channel I want.
But I can't see a Chn Control anywhere. Stupid question, I know, but where exactly is it? I assume this is not referring to the In / Out assignment selectors. I also assume that the number shown on a blue background at the bottom of the Channel Strip is just the track number.
2014/04/18 20:28:19
You may have to click the All button at the top of the Track Pane to choose which controls are shown. Then the channel, bank, patch, etc. buttons can be used.
2014/04/18 22:44:37
That button affects what is shown in the Track View, but does not affect the Inspector. I usually use the track view myself, but I see a lot of merit to using the Inspector.
The I/O and channel boxes are always shown in the Inspector.
Channel is directly below the FX bin.
You do need to select your keyboard as the output. If you don't see your keyboard(or the MIDI port it is connected to), you will need to enable it in Edit>Preferences>MIDI Devices.
2014/04/28 17:00:41
You may have to click the All button at the top of the Track Pane to choose which controls are shown. Then the channel, bank, patch, etc. buttons can be used.

Thanks - but I can't see an 'All' button either. Confused!
2014/04/28 17:06:38
That button affects what is shown in the Track View, but does not affect the Inspector. I usually use the track view myself, but I see a lot of merit to using the Inspector.
The I/O and channel boxes are always shown in the Inspector.
Channel is directly below the FX bin.
You do need to select your keyboard as the output. If you don't see your keyboard(or the MIDI port it is connected to), you will need to enable it in Edit>Preferences>MIDI Devices.

Thanks - but I still have a problem:

There's no Channel button showing below the FX Bin on my Inspector. 
I am not quite certain what you mean by selecting my keyboard as the output - it's just a USB controller keyboard, so what would be the advantage of sending it MIDI note data?  I'm only using the tracks to control VSTs. But I want to change the channel of the MIDI notes and events in some tracks by overriding their embedded channel.
2014/04/28 22:13:12
In this case, Track 2 contains MIDI notes originally recorded on Channel 1. I now want it to output on Channel 2 to an external MIDI keyboard.

OK, I'm confused. Why did you say you want to do this?
As you correctly noted, there is no point to sending MIDI to a controller.
Where, exactly, are you wanting to send the MIDI data? To a different soft synth?
Please tell us, in as much detail as possible, what it is you are trying to do.
I'm not entirely sure we are on the same page here. Tell us where you are trying to get, and we will try to help you get there.

The image above shows the inspector and associated MIDI track.
Are there any buttons that you don't see in your view?
This screenshot is from X3, but you should have most of the same controls.
2014/04/29 18:07:30
In this case, Track 2 contains MIDI notes originally recorded on Channel 1. I now want it to output on Channel 2 to an external MIDI keyboard.

OK, I'm confused. Why did you say you want to do this?
As you correctly noted, there is no point to sending MIDI to a controller.
Where, exactly, are you wanting to send the MIDI data? To a different soft synth?
Please tell us, in as much detail as possible, what it is you are trying to do.
I'm not entirely sure we are on the same page here. Tell us where you are trying to get, and we will try to help you get there.

The image above shows the inspector and associated MIDI track.
Are there any buttons that you don't see in your view?
This screenshot is from X3, but you should have most of the same controls.

Firstly, thanks for your patience. Many apologies - inexplicably, I somehow forgot, somewhere in the thread, what exactly I was trying to do. I feel really stupid! Am getting old! You are correct (and I was right the first time) - there IS an external keyboard involved apart from the A-800 Pro. The external keyboard is connected via a MIDI to USB adaptor, (separate from the A-800 Pro and my Focusrite 2i2 interface).

OK- I will explain it from scratch, trying to stay simple so I know I am actually making sense this time!
I am importing an old song as MIDI data. I'm now using almost entirely VSTs except for one external keyboard. 

One of the tracks (it happens to be Track 2 once it is imported) was originally recorded on MIDI Channel 1, (i.e. all the notes in it are identified as applying to Channel 1). I now need that track to replay the notes in it to my external keyboard, but they must now be sent as MIDI Channel 2 notes, because that is what the external instrument demands in order for it to do what I want, it won't work if sent data on any other Channel. So I need to 'override' the individual MIDI note channel messages by getting the track set to output on Channel 2.
Concerning your screen shot, yes, there are buttons on your image that are not there on mine. The first thing I noticed is that the three selectors below the Effects Bin are missing on mine. Maybe that's a difference between X3 and Music Creator? But that's where I'm told there should be a channel control. And generally, there are loads of other differences I can see, too. Notably the Channel button towards the bottom of the second column in the Inspector. I will try to post a screen shot of mine, which I have just made, but that prompts a further question. I see there is a restriction on including links in a post here to prevent possible spam. And I don't see a button for attaching a file to a post. So how do I post a screenshot? This is getting complicated! 
2014/04/29 18:27:06
I have an image ready on Photobucket now but it took me ages to decide which of the links they provide was the one I should use. Technology is leaving me way behind!
2014/04/29 21:32:49
Wow. I didn't expect it to be quite that lean.
At the top of your track pane, there is a button with 4 squares, next to the highlighted one with 1 square.
That is the MC6 equivalent to the "All" button.
Once you click that, the track should show all of your I/O, channel, etc. options.
It may populate the inspector as well. I'm not sure on that.
Understand that MC6 has been pared down to be simpler for the new user. A side effect of this simplification is that it becomes rather difficult to work on relatively complex projects.
From your screenshot (thanks for that. I love screen shots!) I can see that you are already pushing the limits of MC6.
I would very much encourage you to take advantage of the $29 upgrade to X3(basic version).
You can leave MC6 installed, and you may have plug-ins that are not included with X3.
I think what you are trying to do will be much easier when you have the tools to actually do it.
That offer ends tomorrow, so don't think about it too long.
To override channel data embedded in the file, open the Event List, and delete channel data.
Otherwise, every time you rewind to start, the embedded data will reset and override your settings.
Hang in there. This stuff is complicated, but it gets easier once you get your legs under you.
It has made us all feel stupid at some times. Don't sweat it.
2014/04/29 21:53:42
I do not believe it has to be that lean. Click on the "Display" at the bottom of the Inspector to enable the rest of the inspector controls.
The MC6T help show what the full version of the MIDI inspector looks like here http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation/default.aspx?Doc=Music%20Creator%206%20Touch&Lang=EN&Req=Inspectors.3.html#1220713

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