Thanks, yes I do have the button with four squares (it is called 'Advanced View' in MC6) but I already tried that a few times and could not see any obvious differences in the screen items displayed.
The documentation, such as it is, does say there is a channel button which should do exactly what I want, and it says it appears in the Inspector and in the Console View, but I have searched and searched and can't see it.
I am sure at one stage I did have those three selectors below the Effects Bin, but not recently, and I have recently upgraded to MC6T and it's installed on my new PC but no different on there so it's not just that my older version has got altered.
I already have X3 basic version installed as well, so I could try with that, but I like the simplicity of MC6T - apart from not being able to find a couple of things! I know they are very similar interface-wise so moving across to X3 shouldn't be too traumatic, but as I said, I prefer simple stuff and mostly don't find MC6T 's limitations too much of an issue.