I'm an amateur MIDI music composer who just began using Music Creator 6 in July of last year. I've had several questions on the product which have been answered by very educated users on this forum. I still have plenty more I would like answered. (* I have done as much searching across the web as I could to find answers, but unfortunately, some of the answers are just not there...)
As I progress, I notice that the learning curve is more steep than I'm used to. In the same instance, I hope these questions/answers will benefit other new users of the software as well. 1) Recently, the MC6 window loads behind whatever application windows I have open. How do I tell it to open "On Top"?
--- ANSWERED --- 2) What's the advantage of having each TTS track call to a common output track (so they can share a channel) rather than one channel per TTS instrument? Or vice versa? Are there any potential system constraints from doing this either way?
--- ANSWERED --- 3) Do I ever have to select a Bank number? Does a Cakewalk SoundCenter track require a channel number designation?
--- ANSWERED --- 4) I was previously educated about Bounce by another user on this forum. I would like clarity on the following:
- Any synth (CSC, TTS, SI-Drums) track can be bounced to an audio track
- All tracks for a particular synth must be selected at once...I cannot bounce on of these at a time?
- I cannot select cross-synth tracks (one from CSC, one from TTS) for bouncing into an audio track
- I can bounce any track, no matter how it was set up
- Finally, for example in a new project, why would Tracks > Bounce to Tracks be greyed out?
I oftentimes get confused with this function, because I've had varying results. (Sometimes, no bounce progress meter is seen and the final audio track doesn't show.)
--- ANSWERED --- 5) I still get track types confused at times. I would also like to confirm that the track types are as follows:
- Keyboard icon is Synth
- Audio jack icon is Audio
- Auidio jack + Keyboard icon is Synth w/output
- Waveform icon is Audio (Wave)
- Double waveform icon is ___________
6) Selecting a track for PRV editing...sometimes I get confused as to whether a track is truly selected. When I click a track number, it's selected for the Inspector, but not for PRV editing. I have to go up in the menu for the track I wish to edit and select "Piano Roll View". Is there an easier way to quickly select a Track for PRV editing?
--- ANSWERED --- 7) In a MIDI track, what difference does it make whether the Event Filter is set to Clips or Notes?
8) "Maximum number of instruments exceeded". This happens when I exceed 8 Synth Rack entries and this is error is misleading. Instruments? If there's a limit of 8 in the Synth rack and I can have 16 track channels per synth, how can I expect to call several TTS tracks to an Output track with this restriction? Or have more than 8 of either TTS or CSC tracks?
--- ANSWERED --- 9) If I were to create a MIDI template of my own to start my projects from -- and I wish to implement TTS, CSC and SI-Drums tracks, what would be the ideal way to lay the tracks out so as not to encounter restrictions?
--- ANSWERED --- 10) Clarification on limits (per Comparison chart
- 16 TTS tracks per output (cannot be done with SoundCenter)
- 16 channels per Synth (?)
- 8 entries in Synth Rack (still don't understand why)
- 128 tracks
--- ANSWERED --- 11) In the Synth Rack Browser, should I concern myself with the order of the entries or whether to delete unused ones?
--- ANSWERED --- 12) How big is a pitch bend and how can I broaden it?
Possibly more to come. Thanks again in advance for any answers or clarification you may provide.