ROBERT B RE#10:It's a matter of discretion, really. How many instruments do you need? Mix and match to suit. The important thing is you are beginning to understand the capabilities and limits of your software.
RE#17:Make sure it's the same kind of track. Audio to Audio. MIDI to MIDI. With SIT's I don't know what to expect. I don't like them and I don't use them.
RE#18:You'll have to clarify this. It doesn't make sense.
RE#19:Where did the "Theirs" image come from? I seriously doubt MC6 supports take lanes.
10: Thanks for the insight. I would imagine if you were to compose entirely of SoundCenter instruments, you could only technically have eight. (Unless a drum kit was included.) Based on this, I've decided pretty much that in my compositions, I may use TTS strictly for strings and bass guitars, considering they all sound quite similar to what CSC offers.
I would also imagine that, anyone who has purchased the Instrument Packs would have to be extremely conservative of how many of the instruments they use (unless more TTS or audio). That's just my perspective, anyway. I'm still enjoying some of the TTS instruments.
Therefore, I may be likely to still make significant use of TTS over SoundCenter, respecting the 8-synth limit. Bouncing to audio...I would have to be
really sure before doing that. LOL. I tend to go back occasionally and George Lucas my work.
17: Copying among similar track types -- of course! Never thought of it. :)
18: Every once in a while, I apply a controller -- doesn't matter which method -- and I don't like it. I delete the controller but it still sounds. And recently I've discovered the Reset Audio button up on top by the digital time readout, but when I hit that, some instrument volume levels change. I'll have to experiment and report later...
19: Here's a link to a MC6 Touch reference pertaining to Take Lanes:
http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation/default.aspx?Doc=Music%20Creator%206%20Touch&Lang=JP&Req=Arranging.32.htmlI use MC6, but not the Touch. I was unable to Google search any specific comparisons between the two MC6 packages.
57GREGYTo get past the 8-synth limit, once you have a synth track where you want it, bounce the synth to audio, delete the synth from the synth rack and archive the MIDI track.
Then you can use another synth.
Alright! I never thought of that. Audio tracks don't require a place in the synth rack. Now, when you say "archive the MIDI track" -- I'm sorry, is this a technical term? Please be more specific... :)