Hello, all! I've been using Music Creator 6 for a few months and I'm still confused about how to implement automation controllers. This was previously discussed in these topics:
"Music Creator 6 newbie!"
"How to find/use Pitch Bend?"
(for some reason, the links to the threads above were automatically removed?)After consulting resources such as CakeTV/Sonar University videos and the Cakewalk Documentation (and by help from others on this Forum), I'm afraid I'm still unable to comprehend this.
I compose my MIDI music within the PRV view using Soft Synths and no external equipment. I wish to use controllers such as modulation, pitch bend, pan, reverb, etc. The Synths used are Cakewalk TTS-1 and Cakewalk SoundCenter.
In the following screenshot, I've created a new MIDI template using the Simple Instrument Track option and nothing else. Both synth tracks offer the indicated options...
As you can see, with the SoundCenter synth, the Control values aren't labeled. When I try to use one, the automation window does not appear.
How do I find/access/utilize my controllers in this manner? In this next screenshot, I created a MIDI template using the MIDI Source option and nothing else. In this image, all the controllers are listed, but I am not hearing audio with this option.
All the automation examples I've seen were for audio clips and none for MIDI notation. I swear I was once able to draw in controllers for MIDI but I don't remember how.
think I understand that TTS-1 is synonymous with General MIDI, but somehow I'm missing something and cannot seem to implement automation. Is this based on the Synth Options window? Otherwise, what could I possibly be missing/doing wrong that I can't find use automation in am I doing wrong and what am I missing?
Any further assistance is appreciated. Thanks!