I'm bumping this thread because I inquired months back about how to use pitch bend controllers in the Track pane vs. Controller pane.
I just learned that only Freehand and Line patterns are available in the Controller Pane, as the other patterns can only be drawn in Automation. This is where is continues to get really tricky for me. Although I know much of the instruction was explained above, I ask that it be delicately "ironed out" for me so that I can understand it.
So -- say I've got either a TTS-1 track or a SoundCenter track. I want to draw a Sine pattern -- or whatever pattern -- on my guitar instrument to create some snazzy pitch bend:
1) How do I get started drawing the automation?
2) Does it matter whether Notes/Clips are selected in the Events filter?
3) I've had some effects "stick" on me after they've been deleted. How do I reset a stubborn effect that won't go away, although deleted?
To summarize again, I would like to know the steps necessary to enable & draw pitch wheel bends via Automation.
The reference materials often don't compare to good, user-to-user instruction. Please assist, anyone. Thanks! :)
EDIT: Noticed that on a SoundCenter track (simple), I'm unable to use anything but Freehand and Sine in Track automation. I thought the others were available up there? So confused...