Albert I really appreciate this info. I do have Sonar X2 btw...Man I was looking for the "Key" button for a while now lol...thanks...Also, I guess I could delete the bars of rest (after I isolate the horn part so I'm only dealing with one part at a time) but can I write the numbers in there to show bars of rest, add repeats, change the parts that are computer literate (meaning getting rid of 16th note rests to create phrasing that looks familiar), codas...things of that nature, or does this only print the notes as they appear in the staff view? Sooo. do I need some sort of notation program to do this right? I need some charts for a gig I'm doing next week, and was hoping Sonar X2 could do that....although I'm guessing it won't :(
On a personal note...I would love to talk to you about the cakewalk stuff, especially since we write charts...I feel we might have info that could be beneficial to both of us...since I'm new here and don't know how to do this...PM me if you could use an intelligent friend to bounce things off of...I know I could...ty...Jason216