A good suggestion. I use a DBX compressor as the last stage which has nobs you can quickly twist.
The UCX is compatible for hardware control but I have no interest in it.
Double clicking the faders returns them to zero which is a risk in a live environment.
You can also group faders, which I do. Then, moving one moves three.
Frankly, I'd rather have my UCX than a board. I also have a touch screen which I bring when I'm motivated. That makes adjustments silent.
I don't really sell myself. I have a good day job. I enjoy bouncing tracks. My biggest complaint is that bouncing bands nearly supplants my music playing hobby.
I do often run the sound for the show when I'm there. I make nice recordings for friends usually. I think of it as my contribution to the party. Like the bass player, I bring a talent that adds to the vibe.
I do have a list of things that would be nice to have, but a mixer isn't on the list. A Les Paul is. There are some Mics I'd like to add to the plastic bin I keep Mics in.
I'm guessing that for more than a year, I have never had less that three hours of songs waiting to be mixed. Jazz, bluegrass, folk, rock.
It's my dream to capture a live performance of Noel's band.
http://stabilitynetwork.b.../20160203_Chronyx.htmlThis is one I'm still working on. I think I have eight or nine tracks to go.