2017/06/21 14:33:39
Does anyone use anything other than a keyboard to control drums (Addictive Drums, NI Battery, UVI Beatbox, etc)?   If so, what do you use?
2017/06/22 11:36:41
The KAT controller is very affordable & the Roland HPD-20 is very versatile.
I prefer both to using the keyboard.
2017/06/22 11:36:41
The KAT controller is very affordable & the Roland HPD-20 is very versatile.
I prefer both to using the keyboard.
2017/06/22 13:49:29
Sometimes I use Maschine. But often, a combination of keyboard and programming gets me there quickest.
2017/06/22 18:21:29
Yeah, I had been looking at the small Maschine Mikro. I just have a devil of a time with a keyboard.
2017/06/22 19:54:11
Jesse G
I used to use the M-Audio Trigger Finger and I enjoyed using that midi Drum Pad Controller a great deal. 
When I received a Windows update for Windows 10, My M-Audio Trigger Finger and my M-Audio Radium 49 stopped working, they both became door stops for Windows 10 use.
I now use the M-Audio CODE 49 which has the drum pad and the 49 Semi- weighted Keys.
2017/06/22 20:02:36
Thank you for the replies. 
Jesse, how do you go about "mapping" the pads to certain sounds.  For example, Addictive Drums.  I have always just played the keys on my keyboard until I found what is triggering the certain sound.  I assume you "map" the pads to certain sounds somehow?
2017/06/22 20:32:50
Thank you for the replies. 
Jesse, how do you go about "mapping" the pads to certain sounds.  For example, Addictive Drums.  I have always just played the keys on my keyboard until I found what is triggering the certain sound.  I assume you "map" the pads to certain sounds somehow?

In the AD2 GUI, click on the '?' in the upper right corner. Then click on 'Addictive Drums 2 Keymap'. That will open a PDF that will show you every key mapping in AD.
2017/06/22 20:40:42
Understood.  Are they then modified in AD, or on the controller?
2017/06/22 20:43:53
Jesse G
Addictive Drums has an a section in it for mapping which is real easy to use. 
I click the question mark in the upper right hand corner of AD2
I select Map Window drop down box  on upper the left side
I click Empty under Map Preset  Drop down box. 
I click on a Kit piece in the Window and then select "learn" for the particular type of sound from that piece
I then click Learn for the kit piece and I then click the Pad on my Controller I want to assign for the kit piece and you will hear the Kit piece.
Continue for all Drum pieces you want assigned for the Drum Kit.
When done click SAVE under the Map Preset Drop Down box and give it a name. 
You are done. 
There is more in depth information but that's the basics for setting up a drum pad for AD2.
Groove3.com has a pretty good video Tutorial for using AD2 and Mapping to keys and pads.
See this AD2 Mapping video as well on Youtube.com
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