I find once you get the vocal sound right, eg EQ and dynamics control the one real important thing left is setting vocal levels against the rest of the music. It is important to have the total vocal sound on its own buss so you can do this easily.
Most people mix vocals too loud and it sounds amateurish to me. I find the best way and the only way (for me) is to use a small mono speaker eg Auratone type device turned right down low in volume. It should have a L+R mix in that speaker. Listen to the music for a while without the vocals and just ease them in to the point where they are clear and audible but not poking above the music. The small mono speaker allows you to find this sweet spot faster and more easily. You will be surprised how much lower this setting is compared to where you had them before.
Once you crank up loud again on your main speakers you will find in every case the vocal levels are perfect and not buried in the music but more importantly not sitting too high above it either.
This takes some practice but after a while you will seem to get it and latch on.
Bass is another instrument many have way too loud. When you apply the same approach to bass it too ends up at the perfect level. The bass does not need to be smashing you around the head. It just needs to be sitting nice under the music. That is where most great bass levels live.