I've never needed to really take effort to improve mono compatibility of my projects, been lucky, but now I need a little advice.
I have four guitar tracks (+ AD drums and Manybass bass) as follows:
- A pair of strummed (electro)acoustic guitar mono tracks which are from a single take, one recorded via mic and the other through an FX pedal. Then timing of these has been edited, so they're not in their original positions. These two are routed to a bus hard panned.
- A supporting mono track created with Orange Tree Steel Strings VST. Routed to master bus.
- A solo track/Orange Tree, routed to master bus.
When switched to mono, these guitar parts suffer disturbingly.
Now I'm confused about the proper easiest method to cure the issue. How to spot the (worst) troublemaker,
where to stick the goniometer (in Master bus with drums and bass muted?) etc.? Does the goniometer of, say, Flux Stereo Tool do, even though that's (AFAIK) meant for stereoizing mono tracks?
Or should I just go by ear nudging tracks back and forth by about 10 ms?
Thanks in advance!