boy do I have some good news for you<G>...
First, uninstall ASIO4ALL - you don't need it, and in this case it may be causing conflicts.
Second, reboot. No, you shouldn't have to, but you do.
Third, fire up Sonar and select ASIO as the driver model, and then select the Apollo ins and outs.
You can also select ASIO instead of ASIO4All without uninstalling, and maybe do that just as a quick test, but I would remove ASIO4All anyway. It is known to cause problems in some specific cases. I used to use it to aggregate my ASIO drivers, but it added too much latency, and it did cause problems, although I can't remember exactly what anymore (situational amnesia can be a good thing<G>!)
Have fun, write back when you get it working, and whatever you do, don't demo the plug-ins till you have some cash lying around... they are addictive!