not sure to be honest. but here's some instructions: the instructions were easier to find than the parts :-) probably because the unit is only 70 bucks used.
it would be cheaper (parts and labor) and less a headache to buy a new one. but if you really want to step up your game... buy a Mackie MCU instead. I see them now at guitar center used for 250.00 - 299.99.
For me anyway, buying a used Mackie MCU was possibly the best, smartest purchase I've ever made for my studio.
You get 8 motorized faders (plus a master motorized fader) a zillion buttons for every kind of view) buttons for copy/paste/delete, exc. pan knobs that can be assigned to plug ins, pro channel and most important.. the jog wheels which can scroll the timeline, zoom or scrub.
Fleabay usually has parts for just about everything but I couldn't find any alpha track parts. maybe im missing them.
FYI-Mackie MCU is midi control surface so you wont ever have problems with doesn't use any :-)