2009/07/13 23:59:40
How to you save the star rating on the Sound Center? I have tried to rate different sounds and it stays until I pick a new subtype than it goes back to nothing. How do I save the star rating when I rate the sounds?
2009/07/14 00:27:49
MC 5 is so new, and so few of us have it (and the ones who do have probably gone to bed already) you might have to wait 'til tomorrow to get an answer.
2009/07/14 07:49:43
I have no idea - didn't know there was a "star rating" for sounds. if I can remember I'll try to check into that tonite.
2009/07/14 08:14:45
Star rating.... hummmmmmm.....

I just know the sounds I like and tend to use them often.

(my personal 5 star sounds) It's all in my head.....along with many....many other things, which I won't discuss here..... they may be listening!
2009/07/14 08:44:37
the stars? nah. they don't listen to us amateurs!
2014/01/22 21:23:54
It's 5 years later, I'm in Sonar X2, and I have the same question.
Bummer nobody answered it in this thread.
2014/01/23 09:40:41
I now have Sound Center, and the ratings work for me.
At least I think it does.
I rated a couple of samples, and when I opened a second instance of SC the ratings were still there.
2014/01/23 09:41:37
It is rather simple.  
First of course, open Sound Center and select the sound you want. Click the stars to give it the proper rating you with to give.... then, look at the  very top of the Sound Center's GUI and you should see a tool bar with a bunch of icons on it. Presets, a few arrow buttons and right about centered you will see a little FLOPPY DISK symbol what will say "SAVE" when you hover your mouse cursor on it.... click the "SAVE" button and that should save the stars rating for you.
I opened my DAW, found a non-starred instrument, gave it 4 stars and saved it using that method. Shut off the DAW and reopened it with a NEW project, loaded CSC and sure enough the instrument had 4 stars on it.
Hope that answers your question.
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