One element in surviving modern civilization is missing.
It is intense. It is painful. It is not a lot of fun. It goes against everything you have been taught.
Fasting for toxin elimination. Can give you rationale down to biochem support if you want, but this is where the rubber meets the road.
Our bodies are a toxic waste dump of crap we have ingested or breathed in. Cumulative over a lifetime. We are poisoned. Half life of DDT would take us 5000 years to eliminate if all exposure was to stop. Just an example.
My crazy childhood in the 1950's. We got off from school and ran to the shoe stores so we could play with the X-Ray machines that showed how your feet would fit in shoes. Our equivalent of a video game to wiggle your toes and watch your bones. Then if it was on the correct day of the week, the DDT truck would be out to spray everything. Beautiful white opaque clouds of poisons. Goal was to ride our bikes through the clouds and try not to collide with each other.
Purification of our structure as much as we can eliminate, is most efficiently achieved by periodic fasting. Can elaborate if anyone is remotely interested. Reinforce that this is the ultimate regimen to clean out and extend life, but not a whole lot of fun.