As a rock/metal drummer. I can understand the frustration of playing to a click at first. You're accustomed to being the time keeper and not being dictated to. Heck, I could play guitar to a click no problem. But after a few days of relentless practice, playing drums to a click became very natural.
Some important things to remember:
If you don't have a good set of isolation headphones in studio, then that needs to be resolved ASAP.
If a drummer has a difficult time following a 1/4 click, try a 1/8 click.
If you have ever mixed a project that was recorded with a click, you will never ever want to do it without a click again. It makes mixing so much easier.
Have the guitars and bass record scratch tracks to a click. Pay close attention, because these yahoos tend to think they have perfect time but many don't. It is imperative that they have great meter on the scratch tracks.
Drummers, use the click as reference. Don't let it dictate feel. Don't be afraid to be a little in front or behind the beat.