2013/12/15 19:17:41
I just want to copy a track...it appears you can't. This program is NOT intuitive.
All I saw was clone and then everything I did was copied to the previous one! What the #$#% is the purpose of that? I did that and chose 'unlink' but now in the control view I can change the pan on one track without affecting the other.
1) How do I just COPY a track so, for some stupid reason, I can just edit the new track without screwing up the original?
2) How to I COMPLETELY unlink a track, not just one measure, from the track I copied it from?
2013/12/15 19:38:01
I am guessing you are trying to create a copy of an instrument track by using the clone function. Don't do it, cloning is not what you want to do. Create a new track (in the case of an instrument track by inserting a new instance of the synth) then copy/paste the track data.
2013/12/15 22:34:36
Thank you very much scook. I was trying avoid this because I have a lot of additional settings that come with the track other than just the notes (pan, instruments, etc).
Plus I didn't want to have to copy all the tracks by hand. I googled this and it sounds like a lot of people are having this problem. I'm surprised we are where we are with this product and it still doesn't have a simple 'copy' version.
I guess this is considered 'answered'. :(
2013/12/15 22:52:08
Pan, Volume etc can be copied if they are defined as track automation along with the track audio or midi data. Synth settings can be saved/loaded as presets or use a track template. Another thing that could save some time is copy the tracks before starting the mixing process. Many elements such as pan and volume can be grouped together. You may also find additional flexibility using Audio+MIDI tracks instead of instrument tracks.
2013/12/16 00:29:47
1) How do I just COPY a track so, for some stupid reason, I can just edit the new track without screwing up the original?

I keep coming back to this sentence.
For what you are trying to do, I think "Save As" is your friend. Go ahead and make your edits on the original track(s), but save the project as a new version. This way, you project is not cluttered with extra tracks ( a big consideration in MC since you have a limited number of tracks), and you still preserve the original if you want to back up.
It is not unusual to have ten or more versions of a project as you work through it. All of your settings will carry forward, and you always have the earlier versions intact, if you decide you like what you did yesterday better than what you did tonight.
It's not unheard of to totally botch a project. I'm sure we've all done it. I know I have.
Anyhow, try doing it this way. It's a very clean approach to where I believe you are trying to get to.
2013/12/16 08:17:29
I like RobertB's solution.
I have used this on occasion and more than several times wished that I had done so.
That way, you can change the project totally around and still have the original to "start again" if needed.
2013/12/19 08:40:43
eleanoral..... welcome. 
We appreciate all folks to come here and post MC related questions, however, you are posting jokes in a forum which is not designed for that purpose. This is a forum for asking for, and receiving help on Music Creator.
The proper place for jokes and other non topical issues is the Coffee House forum. Tomfoolery is normal for that forum.....even expected, and as such, you should post jokes over there. They even have a joke thread that has been running for years now.
You can edit the thread to remove the joke.... thanks.
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