OK... so allow me to update you on what I did yesterday. I think I might have to change my "Anti-amp-sim" position after my work last night in the studio here.
Family went to Raleigh, and I had a few hours and all my chores and misc stuff was done so I fired up the DAW and did a one pass take of an acoustic track I was needing to do for someone, which I had almost forgot.
With that obligation out of the way and the track uploading to dropbox..... I figured I would mess around with an amp sim and see if I could get it to sound good.
So.... I fired up Sonar and loaded Acme Bar-gig Shred and then the one from IK (I forget the name) and messed around a bit. IK had most of the stuff locked. I think I need to register it.
So I opened Guitar Rig Pro 4 from NI. I had a noticeable latency thing going on playing in real time so I opened Sonar preferences and adjusted the audio latency to 5ms..... presto! Latency gone. OK get to work and see if we can get a reasonable tone out of this thing now.
Long story short, yes.... I did in fact get a few of the guitar models to sound good. And as Danny pointed out above, the cabinet selection plays a big role in the sound quality. I also tweeked a number of the presets offered and saved them with my own custom names. In short, I was able to dial in a few really nice sounding amp/cab settings. Not only did I play with them solo so I could hear the details of the sound quality in all it's glory with nuances, but I also set up some backing tracks to jam over and that sounded really nice as well.
My signal path: Fender Tele modern into the POD2 with the POD simply set to it's clean preamp model with low levels on the volume and gain so as NOT to effect the sound going to the interface input.
Yep... I liked the results quite a bit. The models sounded good and had great tone. I did twist the knobs a bit.... mostly cutting the bass down , the mids down, and the highs up a bit...plus adding presence and "air" and switching out the cabinets available in each of the models.
So..... I stand corrected after many years of being against using sims..... I think I have found another option for my guitar tone. Perhaps in the past, I have been in a hurry and was looking at the metal shred amps.... because yeah, those..... I tried a few and still didn't like those. Fender, Tweed, Plexi, Orange, Marshall, all set properly lend a nice tone.
I'm not in love with them... yet.... but I have no doubt as I experiment, I will fins a few that are absolutely gorgeous.
So... in closing... play around and twist the knobs. I found my tone in the cleaner models with anywhere from a hint of distortion and grit to full on Carlos style singing distortion.