Recently "Samples From Mars" released groove templates from 25 legendary drum machines. See full description here:
https://samplesfrommars.c...I6ICJjVkpGbjUifQ%3D%3D Importing them into Sonar's Groove Quantize Menus are a real pain in the ass. Each one has to be done manually. The steps I took are as follows:
1. Ensured timecode is 960 Ticks Per Quarter Note
2. Import each and every .MID file into its own track
3. Copy each .MID clip into the Groove Quanitze feature using the clipboard function
4. Defined each groove into drum machine files
I figured it would be useful for the group, so here you are. Just unzip and drop these files in your 'Cakewalk Core\Groove Quantize Files' directory and restart Sonar. I hope you guys enjoy!!