• Techniques
  • Quantize a midi track to match an audio track?
2016/01/08 16:06:48
How is this done? 
I have read the Sonar quantize instructions and looked at various videos but still don't get the process.
Track A is a nice laid back guitar rhythm done live
Track B is a midi bass from a loop that is "perfect".. but it doesn't groove with the guitar.
What are the instructions (for complete idiots) to get B(midi) to groove with A(audio)?
1. highlight the part of the A track and...??
2. ??
2016/01/08 16:14:59
anytime i've tried to 'quantize' anything,
it ends up sounding so f'd up.
i'd do anything to try to NOT quantize anything.
2016/01/08 16:15:29
I usually use audiosnap ("add to pool") functionalities.. This link may be helpful:
On cases like this, I don't do auto quantize, I do it manually following the transients of the source clip. 
2016/01/08 16:24:00
Thanks guys. I have had the same problem and thought I must be misunderstanding the process.
2016/01/08 16:40:56
IOW I do the first steps ok. Selecting the audio, Audio Transient, Pool, add clip to Pool.
Then I close that out and highlight the midi, open the piano roll and go process, groove quantize.
But I don't get an option to use the pool from the audio in that window.
2016/01/09 08:41:36
I *think* this is what you're after ...
2016/01/09 12:51:37
Thanks Bob
I read this but it pastes new midi data into a track rather than adjusts an existing track.
2016/01/09 13:20:55
I'm not an expert at this, but I did a quick test creating the groove quantize file and applying it as follows:
After Step 10, skip down to "To save the extracted MIDI timing as a Groove Quantize file"
Then go here to use Groove Quantize to apply the pattern you created on the MIDI track
I have now exhausted my knowledge on groove quantize
2016/01/09 13:31:16
Thanks Bob,
That's where i went as well.
Problem was there was no option in the Groove File dropdown to choose what you saved from the audio file.
It just did whatever settings you put in on that window.
2016/01/09 13:56:31
After creating the groove file/pattern, I select the MIDI clip and go to Process>Groove Quantize where I get this

test.grv and test2.grv in the Groove File select dropdown are patterns I created by copying MIDI from AudioSnap ....
You aren't seeing your previously created grooves here?
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