2015/08/13 16:42:57
Hi! I have purchased MC7 and got a download link. I've downloaded the main installer - about 470 MB and tried to install. The installer said it is corrupt and should be downloaded again. I've tried to re-download it again several times to no avail. Still got the same error. What am I doing wrong? Is there an alternate download location? My OS is Windows 10 64 bit if that matters at all.
2015/08/13 17:02:22
Try turning off the virus scanner.
If you are not using the Command Center, try using it instead of direct download.
If this does not work, contact customer service http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost
2015/08/13 17:26:13
Wow, that was fast! :-) The Command Center application did the trick. Thank you very much!
2015/08/13 17:31:39
That was easy. Glad it worked for you.
2015/09/18 16:00:22
The Sonar ipswich press-release states that there going to be more Style Dial FX for the MC.

When do we expect updates to the Music Creator? I'm not asking for a particular date, just curious if the update will come in a few days, weeks or will it take several months?
2015/10/07 12:36:49
Hi Cakewalk and Users, I am interested to know how I can download onto a cd/dvd for install on my win 10 pc that is not internet connected or how to on burning an image disk or can I have one sent to my US mail? Thanks, Scooby  
2015/10/07 12:52:54
There is no physical media available for Music Creator 7. The installers may be downloaded from your account and copied to the machine which does not have internet access. After installation, the program will need to be authenticated using the process described at the bottom of this page http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Music%20Creator%207&language=3&help=Introduction.27.html in the section called "Activating Music Creator."
2015/10/07 14:25:26
Hi Scook, I am not sure you understand, I will try exp. in detail. I am using 2 pc's-- I use my win vista for all my online orders, accounts and downloads which is where I ordered MC7 and downloaded the installer tool and the product, it shows there-- that is all fine. The PC I want to install the product is win 10 and has no access to "My account" This is the pc that I have all my copyright materials secured only to local user of pc in the studio and where I plan to create and store music etc. which is win 10's only purpose. Therefore I am only able to install through the installer tool on the pc vista which will not allow it because vista is not supported for use of MC7. So are you implying I have bought a product which will have no "end user" by default or do I need to remove and rebuilt the win 10 pc, buy networking card install it-- then download/copy and install MC7 then-- remove and return network card for a refund or something like that. Thanks Scooby
2015/10/07 14:39:51
Of course, I understand.
You will not need the Command Center but you will need the installers which are available for download from your account. This will mean a PC with internet access presumably the Vista machine to download the files. Then you will need some way to get the installers from the Vista machine to the Win10 machine. This could be by CD/DVD, thumb drive, LAN or similar. There are several installers, the largest is ~1GB. Once the installers are copied to the Win10 machine, run them. They are executable files just like many other program installers. Once installed, you will have to run the process to remote authenticate the software. The process is described in the link I provided above.
IOW, the software can be installed and authenticated on a machine not connected to the internet. It will require a machine with internet access to download the installation and activation files.
2015/10/07 19:46:47
Thank You Scook, Great advice! Everything in that order worked well. Now the problem I am having is audio setup. The only in/out I have is a digital out that is set as my default sound device, doesnt show up in sound setup CW7. I dont need an audio input as I will be importing all bundled files from another pc. I am using a realtek hd audio digital output, Please advise.Thx
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