Well I always have known that different AI's have different converters, components, etc, etc. Not saying I truly understand it all, but OK. Personally I only have experience with 3, and that covers decades. Had my M audio AP2497 (2 linked together) for ages, actually still have those in a box!
Then about , oh, 10 years ago? Really not sure, I bought the Echo Layla 3G and have loved it since then. But As I posted already my new Asus Z370 Prima A MB has NO PCI slot. I have ordered the adapter that Stickman talks about and uses and Scook let me know about. Should have it tomorrow.
I did buy Roland Octa-capture about 4 years ago but never used it. I bought it for playing out with my laptop, one man band type stuff. But never did.
Anyway, the sound is like night and day with the Echo Layla 3G and the Octacapture. The octa capture sounds like a toy compared to the Echo......
I mean everything. But it was really easy to tell when I played my Fractal Axe FX thru it. Terrible. well, maybe not terrible, but comparatively speaking it sucked. That was just straight in and out. I use the analog outs of the Fractal stuff, always have.
So that's my story. If the adapter does not work for me with the Echo I will have to buy something better.
In defense of the Octa-capture, it is feature rich and can even be used as a mixer and plenty more. But, imho, they saved $$$ on the converters..................