• Moving a clip, it dissappears!!
2019/01/06 21:34:37
Hi, Here's one that's got me stumped.  I'm using the latest version of CbB.  When I try to move one clip, back or forward or to another track, it disappears and takes one or two clips next to it.  Any Ideas?  I'm shut down till I can get this fixed.  Yes, I rebooted and it still does it.  I'm thinking I must have a switch in the wrong position, but I can't find it. In Editing preferences I've got it set to "move over", is that correct?  Also, the post below, from me, questions about the "t" in the "W" button.  I've never seen that before.  I'm just doing Audio, no Midi or Automation.
Best regards
2019/01/07 00:00:26
Okay, stop the presses, I got it Fixed!!!!!!!!!!!
You know in the Transport Box, it has Tempo numbers.  This all happened after I moved might right hand over the keyboard and barely touched a couple of keys.  It looks like I need to do audio with a Tempo setting of 74.37 in 4/4 time.  At 100% it doesn't work and things start flying around the track where they shouldn't be.   Does anyone have a handle on this, "stinkin' End User" problem??? (Grin)
Best regards
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