I just scanned through this thread briefly, so I may have missed something, but my question is, is it possible that adaptive limiter is functioning perfectly normally, and raising the level of an existent pop/click in your audio itself, and not producing some artifact on its own? A couple of quick things you may be able to do. 1) try a different limiter, and see if it does exactly the same thing (then you know it's the audio).
2) get your markers ready, and place them on the locations you hear the distortions and zoom in to see what's going on in the source material.
Just a couple of thoughts...
This is a good strategy, and I was able to identify a couple of spots with clicks hidden in one of the source tracks on the multitrack version. By soloing each track one by one and turning the gain way up, I was able to isolate and eliminate two problem areas with careful editing of the clip gain.
However, the subsequent mixed down version in my mastering project still had minor clicks that didn't seem to correspond to any artifacts in the original recorded tracks. Ultimately, I ended up taking the Adaptive Limiter off the mastering project. In this particular case, I didn't really need to push levels with the limiter. I was just using it as a safety measure in case I got careless with gain settings.
The Adaptive Limiter has worked well for me on other projects, so I'll certainly try it again on the next one. Thanks to all who took the time to reply on this thread.