I played in a Band years ago and the singer had that same Tele, it was from the late 60's I think and he wouldn't let me buy it!! Bastard.. It was white. Notice how they used Gibson styled knobs but happily only the 2. One thing I don't get along with is a Gibson 4 pots and placement of toggle. Tele's have it perfect for me. And I cut my knuckles on Strat volume knobs, I have to remove the closest one.
I would love to get that model, They still sell them but the few I have found were crap made in China models. I know I'll find one someday I just need to oreder on line which I hate to do.
PS You can't use the stacked single coils as the G&L pups are more of a soapbar size. Smaller that a PAF and bigger than a Strat PU.