Create a new very large file in BLBC and resave it, then see if you get the exact same problem. Could be that your old very large file from previous version could be be corrupted.
Nope, see the original reply from Noel Borthwick who's a part of the Cakewalk team;
http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3787799 How I got the project opened up again at all, was to ditch all the AMA data in it. This was done by opening the version that had already been created and in use within BandLab's Cakewalk, and opening that .cwp file using SONAR 8.5.3 Producer Edition.
I hope that clarified the issue. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "BLBC" ("BandLab Before Cakewalk!?!?") in this context; if you could clarify things a bit on that, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.