One of the many (but most pertinent to my style) advice Mr. Danzi provided me many moons ago is with kick and bass make a choice.
Do you want fuller/bottomy bass sound...
a fuller/beefier kick sound?
And the inverse of that question...
Do you want a tight bright bass sound with lots of pick attack...
a tight/clicky bass drum sound?
It's the same question with the same answer posed in different ways depending on what is most important to you.
If your answer is either you want a full bottomy bass sound OR a tight clicky kick then you remove more low end from the kick drum (with a "hi pass" EQ and any other band adjustments needed) and focus in on the beater attack. Then you reduce the pick attack/higher freqs of the bass guitar while allowing the lower freqs to remain.
If your answer is you want a beefier kick OR a more defined bass guitar you do the opposite. Focus in on the pick attack and mid more mid range tone of the bass (again with a "hi pass" and any other EQ adjustments). On the kick let the low end stay audible and remove the hi freqs and beater attack as needed.
Essentially the low end meat of the kick and bass live in the same freq range and so do the beater click and pick attack.
Bass Low + Kick Beater = Good
Kick Low + Bass Pick = Good
Bass Low + Kick Low = Nope
Kick Beater + Bass Pick = Nopety nope.
Totally broad, generalized, oversimplified and n00bish interpretation of this principle but I've been playing with it for quite a while now and it works.
Also realize that in most cases, unless you are doing bowel churning electronica stuff, you can safely remove pretty much everything below -20hz with a hi pass filter. It just adds mud and clutter in rock/blues/pretty much everything mixes.