I am not great with sound design so posts like this are fun to play with. It is layered for sure, and a "bit crusher" effect will add some noise to a snare, but the problem I had using a straight snare was the initial attack remained enough to throw it off (almost like it is a straight up synth sound).
Now for the twist... are you looking for that exact sound? Reason I asked is my first choice would be to sample that first snare hit from the song itself.
Well, I wanted to learn how to get that sound on my own. But, after much trail and even more error, I decided to sample it for something I'm working on.
The problem was the piano is playing at that point. Tried various tricks to get it out but, no luck. Even tried using Melodyne Editor to maybe seperate the snare from the piano. Still, nada.
I feel you on the sound design thing. I suck at it, too.