Just to clarify....what the others have told you about ASIO4ALL is correct. If you have a Focusrite there is no need for ASIO4ALL. I use it because my little internet test boxes do not have pro interfaces. They have stock Realtek cards in them and ASIO4ALL works perfectly for me.
Looking at your screen shots, take the checks out of the boxes for "read cache" and "write cache" unless you are using an older, slower hard drive. Anything 7200 RPM or faster will work fine without those checks in the boxes.
Also, you can change from "Full chase lock" to "trigger and freewheel" instead. There are no promises that stuff will work, but it's how Sonar should be set up and what has worked for me on all my machines.
Your Focusrite using ASIO should be great for you. If you are experiencing issues after using that, like I said in my initial post....it could be an issue with Sonar. Try reverting back to the last build and see if you still have the problem. That is what I had to do until the issue is fixed for my particular problem.
So just to be clear....since you have a good interface, use the Focusrite drivers using ASIO mode. Uninstall ASIO4ALL as you should not need that. In my 3 good recording computers, I do not use ASIO4ALL because I have great interfaces which allow me to use ASIO. I only use ASIO4ALL in my machines that do not have ASIO sound cards. Good luck.