OK, I use a Scarlett Solo, so it just work for you, as well. I describe an easy variation. It is not the most elegant way, but it works just fine and should be easy to follow.
Mixer Page:1. Add two send busses
2. Insert the reverb to the first send bus (100% wet signal - do that within the plugin)
3. Mute the other send bus (yellow button)
4. Add a send from your recording track to the reverb bus
On your recording track:5. Change the output of the rec track to the second bus (the muted one)
6. Activate the input echo at that track (the blue icon)
At your Scarlett:7. Use the direct monitoring function at the interface.
Now you can hear the input signal without any latency and the reverb signal with a small latency. That is not a problem, because its in the nature of a reverb to have an amount of delay time. If it is to much, you can decrease that variable at your reverb plugin a little bit.