2013/09/14 21:02:45
hi, I wanna spit a clip so I can copy and paste. I have done this many times before.  usually I will right click and split where I want and it will be on a beginning measure such as 21:00  22:00  23:00   or so on. now when I press to split it will go to random numbers like 6:02:768 or  11:04:192. how do I get it to split at the beginning of the second again? I must of hit a button or something
2013/09/14 21:42:53
Im sorry, usually it slits at  21:01:000 22:02:000 and so on. now it splits at the miliseconds and really throws me off
2013/09/15 09:35:57
Set the Snap-to resolution to Measure.
2013/09/15 13:16:51
That ^^^^ is one way.
I will sometimes split at a specific point.... I select the point and then without moving the mouse...left click to open the split window.... and split it.
I'm not on the DAW, but I believe that's how I do it. I often will use the snap to set to measure or even quarter since it is easy to do it but if the need doesn't line up on that point I write the split point number and make the paste line up to the little numbers.
2013/09/15 16:35:08
thanks guys. I did the snap to grid and its working exactly how I like it. you are the best. now I have to figure out my soft synth midi controller problem. thanks again
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