This was recorded several years ago. I've traveled for years with some Oktava MK012 mics for acoustic work, so those are probably what was used. Another guitar player by the name of Buster Jones recorded the video, or turned the cam off and on anyway. We both played at the Carbondale Bluegrass and Folk Festival that year and he stayed at my place for a couple of days and was kind enough to run the camcorder for me when I recorded this at home. I just did some zooming and panning in Premier and added some compression and reverb. Not much to it. I thought it came out pretty good for standard def. Buster took home a DVD copy I ran out so he could learn the arrangement. I know he played it at least a few times before he died the following year, but he never had a chance to record it, which is a shame because I know he would have done something awesome with it. He was a really good guitar player and friend.