(I've taken a break from this over the recent month. I thought I figured out the method of using the Automation Lanes to add controllers, and I somehow forgot the entire thing.)
After reading this post and the links offered therein, I was able to practice adding controllers for modulation, pan and even pitch bend into the Track lanes. Now I forgot how. I can't seem to even access the drop-down menu for Clip Automation -> MIDI event or whatever. I've literally spent the past two hours clicking/right-clicking every pixel on the screen to figure out how to open the Automation editing thing on the Track lanes (where you see the node bar, etc.) but can't get it to come up.
I've watched the Sonar X2 videos left and right, and still can't remember how I did this. And these videos don't truly translate well to the same process in Music Creator.
Can someone please refresh my memory? To summarize, I'm trying to remember how I use the "event filter" (whatever/wherever that is) to add controllers using the "automation lane" (which I believe lies within the track lanes) and edit notes. Whatever I do, that window with the lines/nodes doesn't come up.
Please assist. Thanks!