I'm going to do my best to be polite.
This forum has a search function, and this question has been asked and answered just about weekly for the past 5 months. Use it.
And for the past 5 months, the answer has been, and continues to be increasingly so, YES.
The exception is the part where the company reveals explicit details about what new features they are planning to add. They may change their policy on that in the future, but you'll need to set aside whatever entitlement you may feel to know what the corporation's plans are.
That tends to fall by the wayside with freeware due to the lack of need to rope new licensees in with every release cycle. In its place comes freedom to fix the program where it may be broken.
I gladly relinquish the former to gain the latter (along with getting the whole works for free, of course!).
1. First of all, versions change so the answer given months ago may be different today, so I asked. Also, I haven't BEEN here in many months.
2. The search function here always has been ****e.
3. I don't feel any entitlement whatsoever beyond being able to use the software I bought and paid for in good faith, until such time as it no longer works within Windows.
4. It's good that Bandlab took over Cakewalk and is even attempting to carry on. But at the same time I don't need to undertake a massive change to what already works fine to me so again, I ask to get a feel for how people are getting on with this latest version.
So forgive me for interrupting the forum so rudely.