3. As far as the Organizer, I am not NEARLY as organized as you are. My pictures are a MESS of scanned images and digital pictures.
This was a huge issue on the lab I worked with, and the fact that they had no organization whatsoever, and I started up one, with envelopes for each session, with dates and owner name, for example, and it was from that time on (around 1992 or so), that I started keeping track of all my negatives in specific envelopes and they are in a box in order.
The organization is not hard, but remembering what the shoots were is a harder issue, and I'm just glad that some things stood up, and I was able to put together a huge album of pictures in order that covers about 15 years or so. Mind you, I have not "finished" this book, but most of the early stuff is all there in order.
My biggest question these days, is about some negatives and pictures that are too good for words ... scan them and save them? Some of the GONG pictures I have are special. And I'm glad I mailed a set of 5x7's to each of those members at the GAS office at the time. For example, but I would hate to see these kinda "lost" and forgotten, since they are special in feeling and content.
I'm not as organized as that, however, my file cabinet is getting a make over and it's looking a lot better than it did!!!!! I can find things now! Scary thought!