• Computers
  • Should I do a free upgrade from Win 8 to Win 10? (p.4)
2016/01/13 21:04:20
Since so many in this thread know so much about Win 10 and MS, can some of you chime in on this please? First of all I think I'm wrong about Win 10 being a yearly subscription service. Is that right?

Here's the deal. All those people running XP haven't contributed any money to Microsoft in 15 years. Those running 7 haven't contributed any in 7 years. A company can't stay in business that way.
Windows 10 is free to people who have 7 or 8. If you build a PC, you will need to buy W10; new PCs will have it pre-installed, and Dell or whomever will have had to pay for a license.
Why free? Because Microsoft hopes you're going to do in-app purchases for years to come. You get 5 GB free cloud storage with W10; pay $1.99 a month, and you get 50 GB. Pay $9.99 a month, and you get 1 Terabyte and Microsoft Office. You can buy music and movies, other software, etc. Over the course of 15 years, XP $ to Microsoft = 0. Over the course of 15 years, W10 $ to Microsoft = almost certainly a whole lot more than 0.
Those who like to complain about everything will say "MS is nickel and diming us to death, this sucks" while forgetting they're getting the OS for free . Realistically, what Microsoft has done is essentially given you the option to create an a la carte computer. It works fine as is, but if you want more, you pay for it. Yes, if I pay $9.99 a month for a year, I've paid $120 for Office and a Terabyte of storage. Is that a fair price? I think so. If it isn't, I can use Open Office and look around for a cheaper storage option. 
I think it's a really clever solution on how to stay in business while giving customers what they want - no more, no less. When you consider that W10 also works with tablets and phones, and doesn't have the same wall that Apple has separating OS X and iOS...it's pretty cool. 
2016/01/13 21:19:32
Thanks Craig what you said makes perfect sense and sounds very fair to me also. Thanks for the clarification and the reality check - ha ha.
2016/01/13 21:27:34
Don't forget, they are competing with open source, which is also ... Free. It can come with Office Libre (Free too) if you like.
Ubuntu also has an app store, but ... everything is Free... Like Ardour.
When science grows at the expense of society, all kinds of goofy constraints grow up that make things develop in weird mutant ways instead of naturally and together. We do not really want Mickey Mouse protected from infringement for all eternity. We should be shortening copyright protections, not extending them.
When science works against the society, truly terrible things can happen.
When I buy Sonar, I also contribute to open source. It's only fair.
If you haven't given a nickle to wikipedia this year, please consider it.
2016/01/13 21:35:52
Although nobody seems to have mentioned it, would I be correct in assuming all you guys that have upgraded to Win10 successfully have done so after doing a full backup of your system?
Or did you jump straight in and treat Win10 as a usual (if lengthy) windows update? Is it that reliable/safe?

I just updated... the rollback feature seemed safe enough.  I routinely back up my song files and have backed up samples to avoid long download times.  But didn't do anything for w10.
2016/01/13 21:45:32
Support for win 8.0 has ended.

W T Heck ?
Hey microapp , thank you for pointing that out to me  I honestly had no idea ....
The last line in that article is such a crock of BS 
"Windows 8 is still running on 2-3 percent of PCs, or 30-40 million devices. By forcing customers’ hands by ending support for older versions, Microsoft is encouraging those users to finally ditch their outdated software. "
Yeah Right Microsoft .
I bought my Win 8 64 bit computer Brand Spanking New in October less than 2 and half years ago just to be able to run SONAR X 3 PE ...
My Win 8  computer spent most of it life offline sitting in a kitchen drawer because I thought that placing this computer in a kitchen drawer unused was a much more compassionate fate for this computer than what I really wanted to do to it 
Sheesh , I packed both my Mac's away so I can focus on learning SONAR SPlat VIA my Win 10 Laptop ...
After reading that I'm seriously considering unpacking them bad boys and going back to OSX full time ....
The only thing stopping me from going back there is  I made a personal commitment to learning my way around SONAR
I've been half a$$ing it for way too long & I really do Love using Splat In it's current state , it's the SONAR I've always wanted.
You should be able to clean install Win 10 over win 8.0.
Just use the key from win 8.0.
I think they added this possibility in Nov update.
Then again since 8.0 is not supported, I would just bite the bullet and update to 8.1.
I did this on a couple of machines and it was flawless and fairly quick.
Then you could keep all your auths from other 3rd parties when you move to 10 (hopefully anyway).
Myself , I like the clean install but may try update in place from 8.1 to 10 on my DAW.
Can you say or hint at what program was such a pain to re-auth? I would like to know so I don't buy it.

Once again thank you microapp for the info
I do happen to like Win 10 a lot actually . Much more than I thought I would .
As I mentioned before , my primary concern is the added schlep of having to do the upgrade to 8.1 first before being able to upgrade to Win 10  ...
I have no idea what I may loose in that transition to 8.1 ( regarding having to reauthorize ... the same goes for 10..)
Twice the concern unless I just go dirty and not even open up anything in 8.1 , hope for the best and jump to 10 by doing an in place upgrade ...
If i didn't have to do that first I would pull the trigger and do an in place upgrade from Win 8 ...to Win 10 ..right now ...tonight ...
I honestly don't care all that much about having to reauthorize anything from Cakewalk , IK , PG Music , Harrison , XLN , Abelton , Overloud , NI, Melodyne , Sony  or any other number of 3rd party software vendors  ...
I don't want to have to burn a serial number just for Samplitude Pro X 2 , the full version of Vandal and a few other doodads I bought from Magix .....
They burned me real good with the 3 activation rule they have in place when I was using XP a number of years ago ...
I haven't forgotten ....

Kenny, when i up graded frm W7 to W10 pro, i was hesitent as with W7 to W8 i had to roll back twice.

For W7 to W10, all i had to reactivate was AD 2 but that took 1 minute to sort out, BTW. I also have Samplitude X2 Pro but it made the transition flawlessly.

My Roland/Edirol units needed the text file hacks, the changes to the inf files have been well documented in these forums.

I had a horrendous latency problem in W7. Which mysteriously disappeared on doing the upgrade. My two (Euro) cents is to take the plunge and do it.

2016/01/13 22:04:40
When I bought my new computer last June. I was already used to Win 7 and Platinum for about 3 months, but I was persuaded to go with Win 8.1. Unfortunately I not only had to get used to a new OS in Win 8.1, but I also had to get a new soundcard, AVB Ultralite, since my old Echo soundcard was too old. I was also trying to go to 64 bit Plat from 32 bit. 
 I had lots of problems and seem to have about now gotten pretty stable, but not sure if I’m out of the woods. When there are so many new things, it’s very hard to know where the culprit is, but I feel like Win 8.1 was part of the problem, if not all of it.
I’ve noticed many talking about rolling back. I just assumed that MS wouldn't let me rollback to Win 7, since this wasn't an upgrade but a new OEM OS. So what’s the deal can I rollback to Win 7 if I want to? Or will that open a can of worms?
2016/01/14 03:50:55
Didn't you learn your lesson when you went from Win7 to Win8?
2016/01/14 05:58:10
OK just a quick word ,
I know this is the OP's thread, with that in mind I'm gonna share what I'm gonna share . I hope he gets something out of it
I do not know how to delete some of the quotes ...my apology's in advance .
Support for win 8.0 has ended.

W T Heck ?
Hey microapp , thank you for pointing that out to me  I honestly had no idea ....
The last line in that article is such a crock of BS 
"Windows 8 is still running on 2-3 percent of PCs, or 30-40 million devices. By forcing customers’ hands by ending support for older versions, Microsoft is encouraging those users to finally ditch their outdated software. "
Yeah Right Microsoft .
I bought my Win 8 64 bit computer Brand Spanking New in October less than 2 and half years ago just to be able to run SONAR X 3 PE ...
My Win 8  computer spent most of it life offline sitting in a kitchen drawer because I thought that placing this computer in a kitchen drawer unused was a much more compassionate fate for this computer than what I really wanted to do to it 
Sheesh , I packed both my Mac's away so I can focus on learning SONAR SPlat VIA my Win 10 Laptop ...
After reading that I'm seriously considering unpacking them bad boys and going back to OSX full time ....
The only thing stopping me from going back there is  I made a personal commitment to learning my way around SONAR
I've been half a$$ing it for way too long & I really do Love using Splat In it's current state , it's the SONAR I've always wanted.
You should be able to clean install Win 10 over win 8.0.
Just use the key from win 8.0.
I think they added this possibility in Nov update.
Then again since 8.0 is not supported, I would just bite the bullet and update to 8.1.
I did this on a couple of machines and it was flawless and fairly quick.
Then you could keep all your auths from other 3rd parties when you move to 10 (hopefully anyway).
Myself , I like the clean install but may try update in place from 8.1 to 10 on my DAW.
Can you say or hint at what program was such a pain to re-auth? I would like to know so I don't buy it.

Once again thank you microapp for the info
I do happen to like Win 10 a lot actually . Much more than I thought I would .
As I mentioned before , my primary concern is the added schlep of having to do the upgrade to 8.1 first before being able to upgrade to Win 10  ...
I have no idea what I may loose in that transition to 8.1 ( regarding having to reauthorize ... the same goes for 10..)
Twice the concern unless I just go dirty and not even open up anything in 8.1 , hope for the best and jump to 10 by doing an in place upgrade ...
If i didn't have to do that first I would pull the trigger and do an in place upgrade from Win 8 ...to Win 10 ..right now ...tonight ...
I honestly don't care all that much about having to reauthorize anything from Cakewalk , IK , PG Music , Harrison , XLN , Abelton , Overloud , NI, Melodyne , Sony  or any other number of 3rd party software vendors  ...
I don't want to have to burn a serial number just for Samplitude Pro X 2 , the full version of Vandal and a few other doodads I bought from Magix .....
They burned me real good with the 3 activation rule they have in place when I was using XP a number of years ago ...
I haven't forgotten ....

Kenny, when i up graded frm W7 to W10 pro, i was hesitent as with W7 to W8 i had to roll back twice.

For W7 to W10, all i had to reactivate was AD 2 but that took 1 minute to sort out, BTW. I also have Samplitude X2 Pro but it made the transition flawlessly.

My Roland/Edirol units needed the text file hacks, the changes to the inf files have been well documented in these forums.

I had a horrendous latency problem in W7. Which mysteriously disappeared on doing the upgrade. My two (Euro) cents is to take the plunge and do it.


Hello Jerry ,
Thank you for posting what you said .
The moment I read your words about "S ...Pro X2 "  made the trip OK , That was all I needed to hear .
This was the main thing holding me back since I have way too much money tied up in that company as it is .
The other personal determining factor was fear ...of course...
OK , so here's what I did .....
I went straight to MS downloaded the Win 10 64 pre installer and ran that installer while Win 8.0 was still my OS .
I will spare all you kind folks on the forum all the drama and pregame rituals I went through .It would be sufficient to say that I had a Class A type Tude rolling w a full head of steam plus a chip on each shoulder thrown in for good measure and balance 
The essence of what happened was I refused to update to Windows 8.1 first and I had no intention of budging from that position. 
After spending a good 2 1/2 hours of letting Windows do it's thing , my upgrade from Win 8.0 to Win 10 was successful
I just spent another 3 hours going through everything ..testing and running all my programs ...
There were only 2 glitches that I have experienced so far ....
I had to reauthorize my XLN products , also while running my VST scan in SONAR the IDR mono plug would hang to the point where I had to close the VST scan prematurely ..( need to solve that one ) anyone ?
SONAR is running much better on this machine in Win 10 64 than it ever did in Win 8 64...
Also to my utter shock and surprise Project 5 seems to be running a lot better also in Win 10 than it did in Win 8...
Good riddance  Win 8 ...you really Sucked 
all the best ,
2016/01/14 06:31:18
As you have the pro version of 8, I think this should upgrade to Win 10 pro, which means that you will have a decent amount of control over windows updates and what data is sucked from your machine to the internets/cloud.
Technically, W10 is a better OS. My personal objections are more to do with a) how damn pushy M$ are being about it and b) the 'default' behaviour of the OS wrt installing updates and sucking your personal data. I don't like the amount of control they are apparently trying to wrest from the user's hands.  I wish they'd stop trying to be like grauooglz.
2016/01/14 07:59:25
I can understand the fear of plunging into something new but Windows 10 is going to be the only supported OS and will begin this year to cost for the upgrade if one waits too long. I didn't need to hack my Roland/Edirol drivers for Windows 10. They automatically downloaded and installed when I plugged in my Edirol device. I think MS is trying to consolidate its OS support plus drivers for just one OS. It is the future. There should be no fear as long as you have a current OS that can be upgraded. I have Windows 10 on all my computers. A desktop a laptop and a tablet. It runs on all three with no issues. It also runs better than any other OS that it replaces.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself!  
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