Just updated the firmware and drivers for my Behringer UFX1204 which was a bit buggy in Windows 10, set the buffers all the way down to 48/1.0 ms in the Control Panel but Sonar reports it as 96/2.0 ms. Latency is 10.8 roundtrip - 3.4 IN & 7.4 OUT under ASIO.
@48K/24b effective latency is 2ms.... So far, so good.
Latency monitor says I may have difficulty handling real-time audio and other tasks and may experience drop outs. So far, not happening.
Highest measured interupt @6 min.: 929.5
Highest reported ISR time: 152.3
Highest reported DPC time: 1122.9
Don't know what all that means.
My old(er) MOTU wouldn't go anywhere that low without serious trouoble in Windows 7. Haven't tried it with Windows 10 yet.