• Improvement for piano-roll-selection
2018/09/30 16:32:37
one of the latest things remained annoying/"denstructive" in the MIDI piano-roll is this one ... 

Sometimes you select all the event of a certain "note" (expecially in the drum-midi-track) because you want to level its "velocities" along the track ... Then, maybe, you do another distracting activity (eg. a coffee break) and maybe you also changed zoom ... so that you forget (or loose-the- perception) that you selected that "note" for the "whole track length". Maybe you selected a not very recurring percussion ...like the "splash cymbal", the "bongo", and so on, so that, in that zoom, you see one unique selected midi-event. In that moment you may (wrongly) think that just that (one) note is selected....

Then (imagine) you decide to move that note (imagine, changing from "ride" to "ride bell") and ..... DISASTER !! you moved that cymbal for the whole track length!!! and maybe you do not realize it until you play the whole track again ... sometime it can happen also the day after !! ... so discovering your song is all altered!!! :( (and hard to restore, because you forgot the moves you made the day before, or maybe you do not perceive quickly the error because the sound of "ride bell" is not so different from the plain "ride")

It would be sufficient a behaviour like the one we have for the audio clip. If the midi-events selection takes a range wider than, let me say, 10 measures .. the "move" action should advise (with a dialog-box) "are you sure you want to move all the events contained in the current selection, wilder than 10 measures?". This option could be also activable/deactivable by a settings/checkbox (for who do not wish this feature) 
2018/10/01 16:11:31
Saving multiple versions, songname_1a, 1b, 3z etc. is essential in my opinion and saving before any questionable edit goes with that for me.
Combine the versioning up save at critical changes with the use of CRTL+Z = undo ...
disasters are very rare to non existent in my workflow.
In my opinion ... no needed extra warning prompts needed to slow things down.
2018/10/01 17:56:13
Agreed. Every major project mod that would be difficult or impossible to revert gets saved as a new version with a description of the change like 'Polaris - Sax MIDI Velocities Tweaked'.
Also, when editing recorded MIDI tracks, I often make a copy of the 'raw' recording in a new lane before making any changes. I put the copy in a new lane because any events I might add are going to go into T1 by default so that's where the 'working' copy needs to be. The original clip gets muted so it doesn't play back, and doesn't show up in the PRV with 'Hide Muted Clips' enabled. It can also be locked against editing for added safety, but I don't usually bother.
This lets me easily recover an unedited section without undoing everything back to the point that I made a mistake or having to retrieve it from an earlier version of the project.
As for the feature suggestion, the Bakers have traditionally avoided pop-ups as much as possible to avoid cluttering the workflow. When something goes wrong, you might wish you'd been warned that one time in a hundred, but I think we all know how quickly 'Are you sure?' gets old when you don't need to be warned 99% of the time.
Better to get in the habit of hitting Ctrl+Shift+A (deselect all) before making new edits, especially if you've stepped away from the project for some period of time as you mentioned. 
2018/10/01 20:05:49
sock monkey
disasters are very rare to non existent in my workflow.
In my opinion ... no needed extra warning prompts needed to slow things down.

Me too.
I know what you are getting at, but this is just the price you pay for the tools we use and making them faster to use. When given the choice, I always choose " Please don't show me this again" 
As said I always have a back up and for the most part I'm so used to editing in the PVR I would never have that happen. Doing that type of edit I will be using the Zoom to see the whole song and then zoom in to make sure everything stays on the correct timing. Snap to grid, etc. And I always de select by clicking on a blank spot. after that type of edit. 
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