• A free plugin to show PDC Info (the delay that each plugin introduces) (p.3)
2016/05/06 15:37:00
the instance i add it, appear in fx bin then crash

What version of SONAR do you use? I only tested with Platinum 2016.04 x64 on Windows 10. This is a 64-bit VST3 plugin so make sure to put in in your 64-bit plugins folder.
Interesting. It's not obvious to me why on a chain such as PDC Info - LP MB - PDC Info, the Out readings on both instances of PDC Info change if LP MB is enabled or disabled (albeit the first changes only slightly).
Edit - I think I mean "later" when I say "first".

I noticed this too. It is a small change (0.1 ms in my case), but still it is a bit strange. Maybe it is just a rounding thing.
Keith Albright [Cakewalk]
Useful utility.
Thanks for the report, we'll look into it.  

Keith, thanks for looking into this. Also as I mentioned in another place, it seems SONAR also isn't adding the driver delay. AFAICT this is the same value that is displayed in Driver Settings for the Output latency. Similarly the reported input delay sounds like it should include the latency as reported by the driver, which is shown as the Input latency in Driver Settings.
Sadly, most of the Izotope plugs introduce insane amounts of delay. I disable them whenever I need to program or track anything. Cake's LP-Multiband  (previous version) is also a bit naughty..

Yea I think the rule of thumb should be to stay away from any plugins designed for mastering while still in the early stages. They tend to add huge amounts of delay because they assume you are done with any live tracking.
I'm thinking SONAR applies PDC even for bypassed plugins, which is why you can (usually) enable and disable them on the fly without glitching. That could explain why the numbers don't change as you might expect them to when plugins are disabled.

Bitflipper - Rather, I think Sonar only recalculates PDC when you start the transport. If you enable or disable a plug whilst transport is running, there is no immediate re-calc (as you can see from the counters on PDC Info) but you do hear glitches occasionally, which is presumably to do with the change in DSP load or something.
Clarification - I therefore do not think that Sonar allows PDC for plugs that are disabled when the transport is started. (It's the end of a long week!)

I think what happens is a combination of that, here is why:
If you play around with the "Drum Bus Master" FX Chain plugin, you will see some interesting behavior wrt when exactly the PDC is calculated, reported and applied.
For instance, if you bypass the whole FX Chain plugin before playback starts, then the reported delay for the FX Chain plugin will be 0.0 ms. If you then enable the FX Chain during playback, the reported delay will still be 0.0 ms and the track audio will become delayed by 100 ms (so it will be out of sync audibly).
However here is where it becomes a bit weird... If you enable the FX Chain plugin but disable the nested "LP-64 EQ" plugin and then start playback, the reported delay is 0.0 ms (the LP-64 EQ is the only one of the 3 nested plugins adding delay apparently). Now during playback enable the nested LP-64 EQ plugin. You can hear a glitch but the reported latency is still 0.0 ms, however the track stays in sync. So this implies that SONAR did update the PDC values but never told the other plugins (like PDC Info) that the PDC has changed. The end result will be that while audio stays in sync when the plugin was enabled, the UI will become out of sync (VU meters inside plugins etc).
I'm not sure why there is such a huge difference in behavior between disabling/enabling the whole FX Chain plugin vs a nested plugin inside the FX Chain. It shows that in some cases SONAR will update PDC on the fly, but in other cases it won't. It also shows that it will never tell anyone when it does update the PDC on the fly. Maybe it is too much overhead to tell each and every plugin about PDC changes while the transport is running.
2018/09/26 13:40:38
2018/09/26 18:21:16
Missed seeing this when thread was hot.  Thanks.
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