As monthly users might bring in some of needed...((not sure why)) revenue to fix the Splat, and continue to gain inroads to being or becoming a more stable Daw, and refinements put to ((what has been said are holes))..Donations...that could bring in more support...?
And let say contests...prizes, donations do not always needs be cow tied.
Let's say.relitively newer..Mobos, video cards, sound cards, and power supplies, memory chips, dimms, ram, and or monitors mice, etc,...might help form a Real RND base...or engage a contest prize, using the product?
Yep donations...could be a way out of the cash cow circle of fiths...saving grace?...might be something to note down, if life timers feel ripped...go the extra mile without sandals on the feet...might make camels ridden into blissful existence?
Well when one cleans the camel...who will hold the sandals?
Stop it Les...our making troubles before they become one....sandals eh...
ps...positives in