2018/09/17 17:30:31
In a tune with 3 different drum clips. A Section, B Section and C Section (which all started out with 1st clip).  After snapping to grid and fitting them together there are these very slight timing in-perfections in the clips.  
Is there a way to smooth these out?
2018/09/17 18:50:23
Assuming the clips were recorded to a click at the same tempo as the project, and you just snapped the start times, you can adjust timing of hits within the clips by setting the Edit Filter in the track to 'Transients' to reveal Audiosnap transient markers, enabling/disabling/adjusting/adding transient markers as necessary, and then quantizing audio or just dragging individual transients manually with or without snap enabled.
The details of this process are too involved to explain in a forum post. Search 'Audiosnap '  in Help/Ref. Guide for details.
2018/09/17 18:59:32
Assuming the clips were recorded to a click at the same tempo as the project, 

Yes all 3 were step sequencer at the same tempo.
2018/09/17 19:18:20
You can use audio snap to move transients, or split at the transients and then move all the tiny clips around, cross fade and then bounce. You can also just manually go through and split just at the points where the timing is off and nudge just the parts that or out of time.
2018/09/17 22:37:17
If they were generated by Step Sequencer, you should just work with the original SS/MIDI clips if possible. If you don't like what Step Sequencer is outputting, and you can't fix it with timing offsets, just bounce the SS clips to MIDI, and work with that.
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