• Farewell, old forum...
2018/12/22 15:04:26
out with the old, in with the new... Merry Christmas!
2018/12/22 19:39:00
Jimbo 88
2018/12/22 20:52:22
2018/12/22 21:35:41
Kalle Rantaaho
It's unclear to me if we're expected to create a fresh new account or sign in with old user name and password.
2018/12/22 21:54:21
I had to sign in with my email address and password.
2018/12/22 22:37:19
EDIT: OK, I see the thread at top. Haven't tried it yet.............OK. I'll bite...What new forum?
2018/12/22 22:54:28
This forum software is very frustrating as it hasn't worked properly for some time now so personally I'm glad to see the back of it. The new one looks good so far.
2018/12/23 03:57:40
Well I'm currently locked out of the new forum. I got a message that a confirmation message would be sent to my email address, but no message is ever sent. Odd, because I already have a Band Lab account under the same email.

It also seems as if Band Lab Assistant is no longer working for me. Very frustrating!
2018/12/23 04:41:35
I had to use my actual BandLab User number as opposed to my log on name here.  It worked fine, then.
2018/12/27 17:14:52
I also was having difficulty getting login access to the new forum.  I could access it, but not able to login. Tried multiple times thru the displayed BandLab Assistant portal without success.  Finally was able to get the system to recognize me when I cleared the Chrome browser history.
Best, HeyDan 
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