• Control Audio Plug-in via MIDI? (SOLVED)
2017/04/06 18:27:36
I can't for the life of me figure this out, but I'm sure it has to be a basic function....
I just purchased Melda Production's MVintage Rotary. I dropped it in the effects bin of the VB3's audio channel. How do I assign a MIDI controller to control slow/fast speed (or anything else for that matter)? It looks like there are all sorts of parameters that can be controlled on the MVintage... I just can't figure out how to get MIDI info there! (I know I can draw an envelope to automate functions once a track is done, but I'd prefer realtime control).
thanks in advance,
2017/04/06 18:39:33
I do not have this particular plug-in, but there are 3 general options:
1) enable "MIDI Input" in the "VST" menu (top of the window)
2) declare it as a Synth and then insert as a synth (till some Sonar version that was usual sine (1) was not available)
3) control it with a Control Surface. So like an envelope, but controlled from MIDI controller throw Surface Plug-ins. In this case you do not need separate MIDI routing/track.
2017/04/06 19:05:22
Hmmm... thanks, but I'm not getting it yet. The 1st option seems nice & easy, but nothing happened. I found the "enable MIDI input" option in the drop down VST menu at the top of the menu. I enabled it, but no control... and thinking about it, how would it know that my MIDI input is routed to it?
The second option, I didn't really understand.  In the Plug-in manager, I can enable it as both a VST3 plug-in and a VST2 plug-in, but not as a VSTi.  Am I missing something?
Last option... I don't have anything configured as a control surface currently.  Seems like a lot of work just to be able to slow it down & speed it up... If that's the only way, I guess I'll have to hunker down & go to it.
Any other thoughts?
2017/04/06 19:28:04
I do not have this particular plug-in, but there are 3 general options:
1) enable "MIDI Input" in the "VST" menu (top of the window)
2) declare it as a Synth and then insert as a synth (till some Sonar version that was usual sine (1) was not available)
3) control it with a Control Surface. So like an envelope, but controlled from MIDI controller throw Surface Plug-ins. In this case you do not need separate MIDI routing/track.

After doing 1 above, then create a midi track and assign its output to MVintage Rotary.
2017/04/06 19:35:25
Here is one way to map the ModWheel to the slow/fast switch
After adding MVintageRotary to the VB3 instrument or audio track
Select "Enable MIDI Input" in the VST2/3 drop down above the MVintageRotary UI
Click the MIDI button on the MVintageRotary UI
Enable the Controllers Tab
Click the Parameter drop down
Select the MIDI slow/fast mapping
Click Ok to close the dialogs

Add a MIDI track, input set to your controller, output to MVintageRotary, input echo on
VB3 has a leslie with the slow/fast already mapped to the ModWheel. Either turn the leslie off and/or add the MIDI Event filter to  the MIDI FX rack of the VB3 and filter out the ModWheel

2017/04/06 19:57:15
Ahhh!!!  Y'all rock! I hadn't created a MIDI track & routed it to the MVintage.  Makes sense now.  Once I enabled MIDI Input to the plug-in, I immediately thought "yeah, but how does MIDI get routed to it?"  It didn't occur to me that I'd then be able to add a MIDI track to route MIDI to the plug.  Thanks much for the help!
By the way, if you need a Leslie sim, MVintage Rotary is on sale for $28.00 right now.  Kinda a no-brainer if you like Leslies!
2018/09/10 09:08:40
Hi ...i'm using cakewalk 8.5/win 7. I'm trying to use the mvintage rotary's on/off speed with the modulation wheel on my keyboard. I installed both vst and vst 3 plugins with the rotary,but on the drop down menu in rotary it doesnt say vst 3 ,only vst ,and there is no enable midi input. Is it because 8.5 doesnt support vst 3?? if thats the case can i get the mod wheel or the sustain pedal to work on the on/off speed some other way,or should i just forget it?? Thanks/Ray
2018/09/10 13:35:42
Prior to X3 in order to send MIDI to a plug-in, "configured as synth" must be enabled. This is done on the plug-in properties page. This page is available from the VST drop down in the plug-in standard header and the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager. No need to install VST3 plug-ins for 8.5 or anything older than X3. The DAW does not support the format. The VST2 version should work fine in this case.
If running 64bit Win7, upgrading to Cakewalk by BandLab would add VST3 support among other features, bug fixes and support. It is free.
2018/09/11 07:48:47
So all i have to do is enable configure as synth for the rotary ?? Or do i do it for the organ??
2018/09/11 08:18:17
hi again scook...if u could give me a run thru om how to do this i would really appreciate it. As said before..i'm using 8.5 and win 7. I.ve tried assigning both the mod wheel and the sus pedal to control the on/off speed in rotary. Nothing doing. I started a midi track also to try and use the rotary as output..but its not there..only the vb3 is there.I also configured the rotary as a synth..and that didnt work . I have no issues with other plugins and mod wheel /sus pedal assigning. The question is ..is it possible at all to assign them with my setup?? i will be downloading the new cakewalk and trying it on my other computer,,
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