Sweet, now maybe we'll see some price drops in the 5xxx series i7's.
Only used. Intel doesn't drop pricing on older series because they don't have to. Lacking any real sort of competition from AMD, they set prices at the level they find good for a given market segment and leave them there.
Yep. i7 4790K went up $10. Maybe ti will draw some boutique gamers but when the i series came out there wasn't a huge jump from the Core 2s to justify the price. Plus it was a new platform and you have to buy all new stuff. The beauty of AMD is Phenom IIs will work on new boards. Core 2s, Phenom IIs are not as powerful but they are no slouch for today's software. I still have a Q6600 at 2.4ghz. I can still run stuff. It has a slower clock but the chip had great architecture.