• Is there a program to change the swing factor of a drum loop (wav)
2018/09/13 07:22:34
michael japan
So, I am producing this CD for a chap and all of his songs sound the same. It is for kids so will use drum loops -many from the native media loops. All of his songs would fit to a swing pattern but would like to take patterns already made (low budget and for kids) and be able to change them to swing a little more or less. Can this be done?
2018/09/13 07:25:26
Program changes are only for use in MIDI clips/tracks.  The only way to change the swing, i.e. timing of some hits, in a WAV file would be to bring it into CWbBL and use Melodyne to move some of the 'notes'. Darn difficult though, in terms of which ones to move.  I think AudioSnap can be used also, I seem to remember a 'swing' feature, but I've never had much success understanding/using AudioSnap to advise further.  No doubt someone with a better idea will be along soon!
2018/09/13 18:08:50
I use audio snap to do this. Sometimes I change a Jingle from straight to swung for a completely different feel... original songs too. You'll want to make sure your transient markers are in the right place first. You can then use Quantize to swing the audio, OR manually move the Transients by hand. I've done both for different situations. Typically you'll be swinging the eighth notes OR the sixteenth notes depending on the song you're working on. If it's eighth note swing, you'll be moving the notes on the 'AND's of the beat (one AND two AND three AND four AND. If it's sixteenth note swing you'll move the notes or audio that's on the 'EE' and 'UH's of the beat. (one EE and UH two EE and UH three EE and UH four EE and UH.

In Sonar (Cakewalk) Swing @ 66% is a 'normal' swing (quater note , eighth note in a tripulet time). 50% is straight (no swing). Beyond 66% is Over swung( useful in EDM or Jazz swing). In between 50% and 66% you'll find an in between feel. (think Jerry Lee lewis or the song 'Run Run Rudolph') Below 50% is a negative swing also good for a change in 'Feel'. Probably not what you're going for here though.

Not that hard to do, you will need to have some patience and diligence.
2018/09/13 19:10:57
I use audio snap to do this. Sometimes I change a Jingle from straight to swung for a completely different feel... original songs too. You'll want to make sure your transient markers are in the right place first.

Not that hard to do, you will need to have some patience and diligence.

+1, my approach as well.
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