I've been using dual boot for a decade or more..
BCD is the microsoft default and a stinking turd and will force all OS's to have a separate drive letter rather than just C: It also won't hide partitions effectively. Perhaps it's got better with win10 but I don't trust it.
Up until today I used Acronis OS selector which is buggy as hell but managed to get by. Finally I've managed to install grub with Linux which is no thrills but perfect. People not used to Linux will probably drown in it's complexity however.
I am still only running Windows 8.1 (3 different versions) and Linux.
Rumours are windows 10 will insist upon secure boot mode. Not only that motherboard manufacturer may later decide to enforce secureboot in the BIOS making dual to to Linux impossible.
There are lots of hard choices out there. I'm still curious to see if anybody has actually done Windows 10 dual boot (have you actually done it yet?), whether it moans about registration and whether they've got Linux working with it or not, and what their approach was.
Otherwise I guess I will dive into the deep end in the next few months. The DAW partition will be done last.
Thanks for the response.